Lost in france
For those of you who sometimes feel a little confused by the French legal and corporate mumbo jumbo, here are some resources that you might find useful. Feel free to contact us if you have specific questions.
Opening a French Bank Account
If you are planning on living permanently in France or if you have a French mortgage you will probably find life a lot easier with a French bank account. With a French account you...
If you are planning on living permanently in France or if you have a French mortgage you will probably find life a lot easier with a French bank account. With a French account you...
A Guide to Taxes in France
If you're living long-term in France, you will likely need to file a French tax return. France has one of the most generous social security systems in the world but it’s paid for high social charges as well as by income tax....
If you're living long-term in France, you will likely need to file a French tax return. France has one of the most generous social security systems in the world but it’s paid for high social charges as well as by income tax....
A Guide to Health insurance in France
France's healthcare system provides some of the best public healthcare in the world, although private health insurance is necessary for certain circumstances...
France's healthcare system provides some of the best public healthcare in the world, although private health insurance is necessary for certain circumstances...
How to register a car in France - getting a Carte Grise
If you are moving to France permanently and bringing your car you will need to firstly notify the DVLA, you can do this by filling in section C of you V5 Registration Document...
If you are moving to France permanently and bringing your car you will need to firstly notify the DVLA, you can do this by filling in section C of you V5 Registration Document...
Exchanging a Foreign Driver's License in France
The good news is that France recognises driver’s licences issued by a large number of countries and has a process in place that eases the way if a driver wishes to exchange their existing licence for a French version...
The good news is that France recognises driver’s licences issued by a large number of countries and has a process in place that eases the way if a driver wishes to exchange their existing licence for a French version...
Registering a Birth in France
Applicable to UK Nationals 1. The birth of a child born in France must be registered within three days of its occurrence at the Town Hall (Maire) of the place of birth. It may then...
Applicable to UK Nationals 1. The birth of a child born in France must be registered within three days of its occurrence at the Town Hall (Maire) of the place of birth. It may then...
Conclusion of employment contracts
The employment contract must be in writing and may be: permanent (CDI) fixed-term (CDD) temporary part-time intermittent. Permanent Contracts (CDI) This type of contract is concluded...
The employment contract must be in writing and may be: permanent (CDI) fixed-term (CDD) temporary part-time intermittent. Permanent Contracts (CDI) This type of contract is concluded...
Wages and Pay slips
In France, only social security contributions are deducted from an employee’s pay. Tax is not deducted at source. Employees must declare their income in their annual tax return in May (for example: the declaration made in May 2015 relates to the income for the year 2014)...
In France, only social security contributions are deducted from an employee’s pay. Tax is not deducted at source. Employees must declare their income in their annual tax return in May (for example: the declaration made in May 2015 relates to the income for the year 2014)...
Leave - Sickness, maternity, ...etc
Maternity Leave You are entitled to a minimum of sixteen weeks' leave: six weeks before the estimated delivery date and ten weeks afterwards. From the third child on, you are entitled...
Maternity Leave You are entitled to a minimum of sixteen weeks' leave: six weeks before the estimated delivery date and ten weeks afterwards. From the third child on, you are entitled...
Working Time
In France, the legal length of the working week is 35 hours. Journalists, however, are paid on the basis of a total number of working days per year (currently, 212 days at France 24 and 194 days at RFI and MCD). This type of contract is called "Forfait-jour" under French labour laws...
In France, the legal length of the working week is 35 hours. Journalists, however, are paid on the basis of a total number of working days per year (currently, 212 days at France 24 and 194 days at RFI and MCD). This type of contract is called "Forfait-jour" under French labour laws...
Regulations governing employment of women
Work Women are forbidden to do in undertakings Some dangerous and polluting work is forbidden for women. Access to some premises (area designated for mercury, for instance) is...
Work Women are forbidden to do in undertakings Some dangerous and polluting work is forbidden for women. Access to some premises (area designated for mercury, for instance) is...
Protection against sexual harassment
Definition of sexual harassment Sexual harassment is harassment by a person based on behaviour aimed at obtaining sexual favours for his or her benefit or for that of a third person....
Definition of sexual harassment Sexual harassment is harassment by a person based on behaviour aimed at obtaining sexual favours for his or her benefit or for that of a third person....
Work disputes - Strikes
Staff Representives You are in dispute with your employer about, for instance: your pay a bonus he/she refuses to pay youovertimeyour working conditions or the health and safety...
Staff Representives You are in dispute with your employer about, for instance: your pay a bonus he/she refuses to pay youovertimeyour working conditions or the health and safety...